Danielle Bartlette
Green Deere, 2014
mixed media on canvas
#3, 7640 Fairmount Dr SE Calgary AB
5 artists,who spent the weekend at the OH ranch near Longview, AB in fall of 2013, took part in a residency sponsored by the Calgary Stampede. The Artist Ranch Project's goal is showcase contemporary art based on a traditional Albertan theme- the outcome is art created by these artists who showed at the BMO Centre at the Calgary Stampede 2014.
Participating artists: Danielle Bartlette, Sheila Kernan, K. Neil Swanson, Wanda Ellerbeck, David Zimmerman
Danielle Bartlette
Green Deere, 2014
mixed media on canvas
photo reference for 'Green Deere' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Rio Alto Ranch , 2014
mixed media on canvas
photo reference for 'Rio Alto Ranch' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Automotive Ghost Town, 2014
mixed media on canvas
photo reference for 'Automotive Ghost Town' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Red Barn, 2014
mixed media on canvas
photo reference for 'Red Barn' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Red Green Barn, 2014
mixed media on wood
Danielle Bartlette
Sugar Shack, 2014
mixed media on wood
photo reference for 'Sugar Shack' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Golden Skulls , 2014
mixed media on canvas
photo reference for 'Golden Skulls' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Hike Up , 2014
mixed media on wood
photo reference for 'Hike Up' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Diesel, 2014
mixed media on canvas
photo reference for 'Diesel' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013
Danielle Bartlette
Dark Dandelion, 2014
mixed media on wood
photo reference for 'Dark Dandelion' Danielle Bartlette
OH Ranch 2013